Discover amazing coders

We connect households and businesses with knowledgeable programmers. The young people on our platform are hardworking and sure to provide a great experience.

happy young people on laptops

Learn from youth

Our tutors are between the ages of 13-22, making them wonderfully keen and relatable. This can be a great way to build engagement and enthusiasm in coding.

Skilled and vibrant

Many of our programmers are skilled through formal education and personal projects. With tutors having recently learnt the content they’re teaching - the content is fresh and up-to-date.

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Affordable rates

Our prices are charged based on the age and experience of our tutors, thereby providing affordable rates for a range of budgets. Less experienced “Level 1” tutors can be booked from £5 to for 45 minutes, with more experienced tutors available for higher grades or theory.

Create a listing and/or find a tutor

Describe your needs in a listing and either our platform will connect you with a range of coder choices or you can browse the platform for yourself.

Organise your session

Book a time and date to suit your availability. Most students offer the convenience of online one-to-one Book a time and date to suit your availability. Most students offer the convenience of online one-to-one codering.

Complete your session

The coder will send you the dial-in details once the session is booked. MyPocketSkill deals with all of the communication, payment and reviews. We can step in if things go wrong.

Why hire a young person?

MyPocketSkill is a social impact company. We are passionate about helping young people to gain experience in the world of work and to become more financially capable. By using our platform you are helping us in that mission.

Our young people are highly enthusiastic, hardworking and personable. To sign up to MyPocketSkill, they are required to go through a screening and onboarding process. We also use a system of levels, based on age, experience and re-bookings, to help you choose.

Why not find an affordable and capable young coder to inspire your child?

Does your child want to learn how to code or improve their coding skills? We have lots of talented young coders in our programme eager to share their knowledge and passion for computing. We offer tutorials in Python, Scratch, and coding mods in Minecraft, along with a whole range of other programming and IT skills. Finding the right person to guide and challenge your child can be difficult. We aim to make that process quick and easy through our bespoke matching service.

For many children, the past year has meant so many hobbies have been put on hold. Luckily, that’s not the case at MyPocketSkill. We have wonderful, relatable young people on hand to help your child develop their skills. Regular sessions can be booked at rates starting at £5 for 45 minutes. All our classes are currently offered via video conference and we’ll offer live lessons as soon as we can.

How do I book a lesson?

Our lessons are available both online or offline. The process of booking a lesson is simple. Just get in contact with a programmer of your choice, or accept requests from young people who have contacted you, organise a time, date and session format you would like - whether it be a one-off-session or multiple sessions - and make booking. You can select different tutors based on their reviews, their profile and their listings.

How to hire the best tutor?

A few tips for selecting a programmer.

  • Read through their profile: our young people have robust personal stories and experiences to share and they often write about this on their profile. Select a profile which you believe is relatable to your child and with the skill sets which fit your requirements.
  • Read their reviews: our more experienced tutors often have reviews given by their past customers. Having more positive reviews are generally an indication of professional behaviour and that they have provided positive experiences to past clients.
  • Make a trial booking. It’s not expensive to book a programmer on MyPocketSkill. Booking an initial single lesson with one or more tutors can be a great way to understand whether it’s likely to be a fit. Once you have found a programmer that works for you, it’s possible to make block bookings on MyPocketSkill, which many customers find more convenient.

What services are on offer?

A range of tutors offer a range of services. These include:

  • Python lessons
  • Scratch lessons
  • Minecraft lessons
  • Programming lessons

How does payment work?

Payment is managed through the MyPocketSkill platform. Our community managers work hard to ensure a good, fair and equitable experience is had by both our clients and the young people on our platform. If you have any concerns during our lesson booking process, get in contact with our team, via message or online chat, and we can assist.

What is on offer?

Python Lessons

Scratch Lessons

Minecraft Lessons


Ready to find your coder?